An App created to limit overcrowding and pollution in a pandemic world.

Overview of the project
This project was completed independently.
Project Duration
This project took place over 3 months and was completed in December of 2020.
Tools Used
Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD, Canva
Step 1-3: Empathize, Define, Ideate
Website Goal
“Coordinating staggered visits to places to limit overcrowding and pollution.”
When first looking at this topic, it was evident research was needed to dive into the concept and the surrounding issues that come with it. First, research was conducted on Google to see if others had encountered the same problem and what they did to solve it. After researching, the general consensus was that overcrowding will be a large issue once economies open up completely, as well as increases in pollution once lockdowns are lifted. This information was then taken and solutions were brainstormed for this problem.
User Persona
I created a persona of one of my users, a businessman with a loving family and large concerns for the welfare of his family as well as himself. This persona helped me gain a better understanding of who my users are and what needs to be done to relieve their pains and focus on their gains.
User Journey Maps
In addition, the journey map (which followed the same type of user as in the persona) helped to give a real-life example to the problem I was facing. I was able to see what a solution would look like in a more practical setting and use it for research into my term project.
The SCAMPER method helped to outline several ideas all at once in specific categories. I was able to put all my ideas, whether good or bad, in one place, and see what would make the biggest difference, or the smallest.
User Needs Statements
Broad-Focused Statement: [Phil, a hardworking businessman, father and husband,] needs [to find an efficient way of coordinating staggered visits] to [stay safe and limit overcrowding].
Narrow-Focused Statement: [Phil, a hardworking businessman, father and husband,] needs [to use the tracking application on his phone or computer] to [track the numbers of customers in the places he wants to visit during the pandemic and maintain social distancing].
Now-How-Wow Matrix
The NOW-HOW-WOW Matrix helped to outline specific solutions in a categorizes setting, much like the SCAMPER method. This method also helped to rule out certain solutions that would prove difficult and impossible to implement into daily life for my users.
Step 4 and 5: Prototype and Test
Low Fidelity Sketches
Sketches were created to begin prototyping the final solution for ShopSafe.
Medium Fidelity Prototype
The sketches were then used to create the medium fidelity prototype.
Final Prototype
I went one step further, and performed Guerilla Testing as well as the Heuristic Evaluation, where I asked participants if my prototype followed the heuristics outlined and if they could properly navigate the app.
After conducting the Guerilla Testing and Heuristic Evaluation methods, I found several things I needed to improve in my prototype. Taking these critiques and feedback, I then revised my prototype in Adobe XD with newer and better features.
From there, the final prototype was completed.
Final Thoughts
I was able to create an app that helps users find a safe way to get to their destination and shop without fear of getting sick or violating restrictions put in place by the province. I believe the outcome was successful because I created an app that could easily be transformed into something real in the market, and help people in a pandemic-world.
I learned that it is very important to get constant feedback from real-life users while creating a project like this. It is so helpful to hear from someone who will potentially use your product or service if it were to be put into the market. I learned so much about prototyping and how easy it can really be to create something like an app or service, like I have during this project.